Some results on continuous planar piecewise linear differential systems with three zones
报告时间: 2024年10月10日(周四)
报告地点: 沙河主E502 9:00-12:00
报 告 摘 要 :This talk is concerned with the global dynamics of continuous planar piecewise linear differential systems with three zones. We give all global phase portraits in the Poincaré disc and the complete bifurcation diagram. It can apply to a second-order memristor oscillator.
报告人简介:贾曼,中南大学博士后。2023年博士毕业于福州大学,主要研究光滑及非光滑微分方程的定性理论与分岔理论,获得中国博士后科学基金第74批面上和2023年度国家资助博士后研究人员计划C档资助。研究结果发表在SIAM J. Math. Anal.,J. Differential Equations,Nonlinear Dynam. 等国际期刊上。