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【数学论坛】Two topics in reverse mathematics

发布日期:2024-01-11    点击:


Two topics in reverse mathematics

Kazuyuki Tanaka

Beijing Institute of Mathematical Science and Applications


报告地点: 沙河主E404

报告摘要:Reverse mathematics is a foundational program which aims for answering the following questions: What set existence axioms are needed to prove theorems of ordinary mathematics? Among others, the system WKL_0 plays an essential role in this program as a successor to Hilbert's program. I will explain some intriguing properties of WKL_0. Another topic is the determinacy of infinite games which needs very strong axioms. I will introduce some new results on the determinacy hierarchy over the boolean combinations of F_sigma sets.

报告人简介Kazuyuki Tanaka is a professor at Beijing Institute of Mathematical Science and Applications (BIMSA). He received his Ph.D. from U.C. Berkeley. Before joining BIMSA in 2022, he taught at Tokyo Inst. Tech and Tohoku University, and supervised fifteen Ph.D. students. He is most known for his works on second-order arithmetic and reverse mathematics, e.g., Tanaka's embedding theorem for WKL_0 and the Tanaka conservation (STY theorem). Also, he has been working on mu-calculus, epistemic logic, random game trees, etc.


邀请人: 义川



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