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【学术报告】High Dimensional Data Recovery

发布日期:2023-12-13    点击:


High Dimensional Data Recovery

NG KWOK PO吴国宝(香港浸会大学

报告时间:20231215日星期五下午 1600-1650


报告摘要: In recent years, high dimensional data recovery has been extensively studied and analyzed, which can be applied to many data science applications such as recommendation, image recovery and one-bit data statistical estimation. In this talk, we present several variants of data completion models and their applications using linear algebra techniques. We provide theoretical insight to create a rigorous scientific basis for solving such data completion problems. Numerical examples are also given to demonstrate the usefulness of these models.

报告人简介:Michael Ng is the Chair Professor in Mathematics and Chair Professor in Data Science, Chair Professor (Affiliate) of Department of Computer Science, at Hong Kong Baptist University. His research interests include Applied and Computational Mathematics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Data Science and Scientific Computing.



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