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【数学论坛及微分几何讨论班(2023秋季第6讲)】Deformations of Fano manifolds with weighted solitons

发布日期:2023-11-24    点击:



题目: Deformations of Fano manifolds with weighted solitons

报告人: Akito Futaki二木昭人 教授 清华大学)

时间:2023-12-7  1600-1700    


摘要: We consider weighted solitons on Fano manifolds which include Kaehler-Ricci solitons, Mabuchi solitons and base metrics which induce Calabi-Yau cone metrics outside the zero sections of the canonical line bundles (Sasaki-Einstein metrics on the associated U(1)-bundles). We show that all the members M_t of the Kuranishi family of a Fano manifold M_0 with a weighted soliton have weighted solitons if and only if the dimensions of T-equivariant automorphism groups of M_t are equal to that of M_0, and also if and only if the T-equivariant automorphism groups of M_t are all isomorphic to that of M_0, where the weight functions are defined on the moment polytope of the Hamiltonian T-action.  

报告人简介:  二木昭人(Akito Futaki),清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心教授(2018年至今),微分几何领域国际顶尖数学家。1987年获东京大学博士学位,曾任东京大学数学系教授、数学系系主任。在微分几何方面作出了重要贡献,在丘成桐猜想、Futaki几何不变量方面取得了一系列原创性成果,其最突出的学术贡献——著名的“Donaldson-Futaki不变量”是复几何研究的核心问题之一,得到重要推广。自1980年至今,共发表学术论文40余篇,并分别于1990年和2011年获由日本数学学会授予的几何奖(Geometry Prize)和秋季奖(Autumn Prize)。曾担任日本数学学会理事、《日本数学学会学报》(Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan)等期刊主编。



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