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【北航数学论坛】A new S-lemma with two quadratic equalities and its applications

发布日期:2019-03-11    点击:

报告题目:A new S-lemma with two quadratic equalities and its applications

报告人:Ruey-Lin Sheu(许瑞麟)教授(台湾成功大学)

报告时间:2019313日下午 500-600


摘要:We present a new version of S-lemma with two quadratic equalities and show that it can be applied to solve many problems. The application include(i) to check whether or not two quadratic surfaces $f(x)=0$ and $g(x)=0$can intersect with each other; (ii) to minimize the absolute value of a quadratic function over a quadratic constraint; (iii) to minimize a special type of polynomial of degree 4. In particular, with the solution to the aforementioned polynomials of degree 4, we can design an algorithm by incorporating the Dinkelbach approach withh 2 SDP's to obtain the minimum value and the minimum solution to the Tikhonov regularization of the total least squares problem with $L=I.$


许瑞麟教授是数学、工程、管理跨领域学者。他于1987年毕业于台湾新竹清华大学数学系,1991年和1992年分别获美国卡罗莱纳州立大学硕士、博士学位。毕业后受聘于AT&T贝尔研究室研究员,主要研究飞行员排班问题、航班排程与高解析度电视。1993年返回台湾成功大学数学系任教,1999年起任教授。2008-2012担任成功大学数学系系主任。许瑞麟教授主要学术研究领域为非线性二次规划、分数规划、演算法,在Mathematical ProgrammingEuropean Journal of Operational Research等期刊发表论文近四十篇。曾任Pacific Journal of Optimization客座编辑国际著名期刊Journal of Global Optimization副主编Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics副主编



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