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【基础数学系学术报告】Log canonical thresholds on Burniat surfaces via the canonical divisors

发布日期:2019-10-27    点击:

题目:   Log canonical thresholds on Burniat surfaces via the canonical divisors

报告人:  YongJoo Shin, 韩国高等研究院(KIAS)

时间: 20191031(周四)下午15:00-16:00


摘要:  The log canonical threshold has originally studied for an existence of a K¨ahler- Einstein metric on a smooth Fano variety via the anti-canonical divisor. Recently the log canonical threshold of a minimal surface of general type with pg = 2 and K2 = 1 was applied for Noether’s inequality of a projective 3-fold of general type.

In this talk we consider the log canonical threshold of a Burniat suface S with  K2 = 6 which is one of minimalsurfaces of general type. We inform the global log canonical

threshold of the surface S via the canonical divisor KS is 1.  Also, we obtain an optimal lower bound of log canonicalthresholds of sections of the pluri- canonical divisor of S with respect to the Klein group induced by the bicanonical map φ of S. This is joint work with In-Kyun Kim.

报告人简介: YongJoo Shin, 现为韩国高等研究院(KIAS)博士后. 他的研究方向是代数几何, 尤其是代数曲面, Geom. DedicataOsaka J. Math.等杂志发表十多篇论文.



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