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【​北航数学论坛】Development and application of high fidelity, spectral/hp element methods for high Reynolds number, complex geometry flows

发布日期:2019-12-10    点击:

报告题目Development and application of high fidelity, spectral/hp element methods for high Reynolds number, complex geometry flows

报告人Spencer J. Sherwin 教授

报告人单位: 英国帝国理工学院航空系(Imperial College London)

报告时间:20191211日上午 1000-1100


摘要Although the use of flow simulations for industrial design is well established, as industry imposes greater demands on the design there is an increasing demand for more accurate unsteady flow simulations. Using existing commercial methods, it can be extremely costly in computational terms to achieve sufficient accuracy in unsteady flow simulations. This demand for increasingly accurate flow physics around complex geometries are therefore making high order methods such as spectral/hp type discretisations more attractive to industry.

Nevertheless a number of challenges still exist in translating academic tools into engineering practice. As the start of the pipeline, meshing techniques for high order methods are required to handle highly complex geometries. Next, many engineering problems require high Reynolds numbers leading to turbulent flow that typically can only be marginally resolved. Therefore, there is a need for greater robustness in marginally resolved conditions where aliasing errors and high frequency damping are typically required. Finally maintaining computational efficiency is also obviously important.

In this presentation we will outline the demands imposed on computational aerodynamics by our industrial collaborators (McLaren Racing, Rolls Royce) and discuss the numerical challenges which we have had to be overcome to make our academic open source tools (www.nektar.info)  more suitable for industry. Particular attention in this presentation will be given to the role of robustness for high Reynolds number flows.


      Professor Spencer Sherwin is Head of Aerodynamics and Professor of Computational Fluid Mechanics in the Department of Aeronautics and Director of Research Computing Service at Imperial College London. He received his MSE and PhD from the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at Princeton University. Prior to this he received his BEng from the Department of Aeronautics at Imperial College London.  Professor Sherwin is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the American Physical Society and the Royal Aeronautical Society.  

Professor Sherwin leads an active research group specializing in the development and application of parallel high order spectral/hp element methods (www.nektar.info) for flow around complex geometries with a particular emphasis on vortical and bluff body flows as well as biomedical modelling of the cardiovascular system. More recently, he has been closely involved in industrial application of these methods through partnerships with McLaren, Airbus and Rolls Royce. Recently he completed a RAEng/McLaren Racing Fellowship during which spectral/hp element methods were applied to problems of interest of Formula One aerodynamics that promoted the development of wall resolving large eddy simulation capabilities for highly unsteady and separated flows.



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