Optimal transport and its interactions with statistical methods
张静怡 助理教授
报告时间: 2023年11月10日 (星期五) 下午3:00-4:00
报告地点 :沙河E706
报告摘要:Optimal transport (OT) has been one of the most exciting subjects in mathematics, starting from the 18th century. As a powerful tool to transport between two measures, OT methods have been nowadays in a remarkable proliferation of modern data science applications, e.g., generative networks and transfer learning. Though the mathematical properties of OT have been extensively studied, the Wasserstein distance induced by an empirical optimal transport map (OTM) suffers from a slow convergence rate when the dimensionality is large. In high dimensional regime, the empirical distribution summarized from a random sample with a fixed sample size is usually atypical of the population due to the “curse of dimensionality”. Besides the convergence, the computational burden is another well-known challenge in the large-scale OT problem. To meet the big data challenges, statistical techniques can be imposed to address the issues in large-scale OT and high-dimensional OT. In this talk, we will introduce the interactions between OT and statistical methods, followed by several real-world applications.
邀请人: 罗雪