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【学术报告及分析与偏微分方程讨论班(2023秋季第8讲)】Interaction solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations via Hirota bilinear forms: one-lump-multi-stripe and one-lump-multi-soliton types

发布日期:2023-11-14    点击:


--- 分析与偏微分方程讨论班(2023季第8)



Interaction solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations via Hirota bilinear forms:

one-lump-multi-stripe and one-lump-multi-soliton types


报告时间: 1300-14002023-11-15(星期三中午)

报告地点: 沙河主E602

内容简介 Interaction solutions between lump and soliton are analytical exact solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations. The explicit expressions of the interaction solutions are of value for analysis of the interacting mechanism. We analyze the one-lump multi-stripe and one-lump-multisoliton solutions to nonlinear partial differential equations via Hirota bilinear forms. The one-lump- multi-stripe solutions are generated from the combined solution of quadratic functions and N exponential functions, while the one-lump-multi-soliton solutions from the combined solution of quadratic functions and N hyperbolic cosine functions. Within the context of the derivation of the lump solution and soliton solution, necessary and sufficient conditions are presented for the two types of interaction solutions, respectively, based on the combined solutions to the associated bilinear equations. Applications are made for a (2+1)-dimensional generalized KdV equation, the (2+1)-dimensional NNV system and the (2+1)-dimensional Ito equation.






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